Let’s proceed on the assumption that you’re taking out an individual construction loan. Such loans, which can be tough to get without a previous banking history because of the lack of collateral (a finished home), have special guidelines and include monitoring to ensure timely completion so your repayment can begin promptly.

Our Vision

To provide geological and mining services in mineral resource management in Nigeria with top class professional services predicated on integrity, value delivery, high ethical standard and excellence.

Our Mission

To be the foremost provider of the best quality product and customer satisfaction and also growing the export markets to be a world class company.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing strong customer satisfaction in high quality products.

Our Core Value

At Ijelu what we do and how we do it matters. As we mine and export our minerals our work is guided by these core values, all of which hold equal weight.


to look permanently for new ways of doing things for the benefits of workers, the company, and society.

Health & Safety

Health & Safety – we foster a healthy and safe work environment. We are properly trained and equipped to do our work injury-free. We constantly look out for one another. Systems, practices, and polices that promote our safety and health are important, but attitude and behaviour matter most.


To meet our commitments and obligations within the agreed deadlines, and thus respect and value other people’s time.


To create a culture that attaches fair value to the fundamental rights of our fellow men and ourselves to accept & abide by the law, social standards, and principles of nature.


To accept the consequence for our actions or failure to act at the company and its surrounding environment.